Is Peter Pan feminist? (check out my deconstruction!)

Anita Sarkeesian explains Tropes vs. Women = reoccurring themes and representations of women in Hollywood films and TV shows.
In this case, “The Manic Pixie Dream Girl” is a cute, bubbly, young (usually white) woman who has recently entered the life of our brooding hero to teach him how to loosen up and enjoy life. While that might sound all well and good for the man, this trope leaves women as simply there to support the star on his journey of self discovery with no real life of her own.

But in Peter Pan it’s an inverse where Peter is the Manic Pixie Dream BOY who helps Wendy growing up and becoming a Women.

… see how I did a textbook deconstruction here 😉

Speaking The Gullah and Geechee

Sista’ Gal is a wonderful character based several old southern souls talks about the Gullah and Geechee Dialect formed from a combination of languages when the slaves came to America.

We played a little bit of this story-teller on the show:

One of the interpreters at the Pendleton Historic Foundation’s Annual African American Heritage Day tells a story in the traditional Gullah Language. Gullah is an english based creole language that has many roots in traditional African languages. It is mainly spoken by Gullah people, who are descendants of slaves in the South Carolina low country.